Friday, April 30, 2010

April?? There was an April???

Well I notice that it has been a whole month since I posted on here. April was a mixed month and for a while there I lost my blogging mojo.
The buyers of our house asked for yet another extension on the unconditional date, which we felt we had little choice in agreeing to. This left us in limbo, not knowing when we would move, and because we were paying 2 mortgage payments for yet another month, meant we were lying low and living basic with no excursions etc as money was getting tight.
Easter was spent quietly at home. We had had two big driving weekends before that and KISA really needed some down time. As it turned out it rained more than it didn't, so we puttered around, reading watching DVDs etc aand cooking hot cross buns. Which were ok, not brilliant.

The highlight of April was KB's 40th birthday. We were unsure what to do, it was a long way to go there and back by car in 3 days, but airfares were too high, so we decided what the heck and drove anyway. We stayed in a caravan park cabin next door to the party venue. We drove down on Friday 16th, and had a BBQ with KB's family that night. Next morning, we got up early and drove into Brisbane. We had about 4 hours to see the boys, Nana and TBS. No photos I am afraid as I forgot to take any. Miss R had just had 4 teeth out and wouldn't have wanted a picture taken anyway! Then we drove back to the Sunshine Coast for a late afternoon start to the 40th. It was held at The Boatshed which has an outlook of this. Our caravan park had the same viewThe birthday girl and her beloved. Family shot, I was amazed at how much these babies have grown. KB's sister and family who travelled up from mid New South Wales. I obviously wasn't interesting enough to look at! A candid shot of a beautiful young woman. Hard to believe we have been friends for 14 years! Time flies so fast... Five steps from our table was a railing overlooking this view. Yes I am still feeding him.... Random party shots....

Yes - I know that is a shower cap on the balloon. These things happen at 40ths.
Love this shot, check out the expressions on the faces! We had a great time and were really glad we went down. When we are settled in the new place, we will have to drive down again.
And last but not least the sale of the house FINALLY went unconditional on 22nd April. So on the last weekend of April we moved to the unit. More on that in the next exciting installment!

Everywhere around down are street trees in magnificent yellow flower. I parked next to one the other day and took a photo. Aren't they lovely? the parrots love them too!