Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nearly there

Well, after two and a half months we are nearly there. The blinds were fitted a couple of weeks ago, and they make a huge difference. I was actually getting used to the bare window look! The lounge chairs arrived the same week, and we sold the yellow one to one of KISA's work colleagues. Her family love it and they gave their whole lounge dining area a makeover.
Hot on the heels of the lounge, the spa was delivered. It was a very busy week! I will post a picture of it in action as soon as I get one.
The outdoor eating area, already been used several times.
The blinds are in all rooms except the bathrooms. So simple and very easy to clean.
Once closed they keep out most of the light as well. Despite being white!
Next up, we are going to hang up all the pictures, still in a box in the shed. Then we start planning the garden.
KISA and I are kind of doing everything back to front. We got married and had 3 kids straight up, two already in their teens, now we are on our own and setting up our first home together, instead of doing up my old home. It is fun, and it feels more like we are newlyweds now than it did 9 years ago!

A Major Goal Reached

Eighteen months ago, KISA became determined to lose some weight for the sake of his health. So he set himself a goal, which at the time, seemed almost impossible. Now, last Monday, that figure he chose appeared on the scale. He has done it, a monumental effort and I am so proud of him. He has bought himself many more years of life with all his hard work. The picture below was taken January 3 2009.
This one was taken in April, in fact he is a few kilos lighter now, but it is the nicest photo recently taken. Stats: 125kg to 79kg
Troosers: 44 to 32
Energy levels: sluggish to jumping out of his skin (phew!)
My turn to get my act together, he is my inspiration!