Friday, July 17, 2009

Busy being a Mum again!

We have had both the boys home lately and life has been a little busier. We have certainly enjoyed being a family again. You will notice we didn't dress up for this photo! KISA and I were coming home last Sunday and spotted our neighbours across the road getting ready to leave for their wedding! We thought how typical an Australian wedding it was as a ute was the wedding car. You can't see from this pic but it is adorned with white ribbon. Notice the summery dress the bride is wearing. It is midwinter here!

I have been a bit crafty lately. I made this tablecloth and napkins this week. Have never been able to find a cheerful tablecloth that matches our kitchen. Everyone seems obsessed with brown as a decorating colour. I did brown in the 1980s. Never again.
Also finished this afghan rug this last week. I have been crotcheting it most winters for nearly 20 years I think. It is a full single bed size. I am giving it to Son 24 and the Divine Miss R. Son 17 will take it home with him on Sunday.

This is a close up, though the colours are brighter, they look a bit washed out under the flash.
Son 17 and I went out to lunch today as he is off to Brisbane again on Sunday for Semester 2. This is at the Eimeo pub. He had a steak with Dainne sauce and I had the garlic prawns. It was very nice, must bring KISA up here. Didn't spot any whales though I did last year from up here. It has been nice having him home, the month went very fast.

On the 4th July, KISA's nephew and his partner had a baby girl. So we are great uncle and auntie. They named her Jessica Marie. It is just a coincidence but she has the same name as both our daughter and my mother. I just cried. She is beautiful though. Welcome to the world sweet one.

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