Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hard Labour

First of all my apologies for being so long between posts. Life has been busy here but not in a fun way and it has kind of suppressed the blogging mojo! I have had complaints that there has been no new posts lately! More than one and that thrills me no end. Not only do people read this drivel, they actually miss it when it is not forthcoming! That makes me very happy.
Which is more than I can say for selling a house. It has been on the market for 5 weeks so far and although we have had lots of inspections, no offers so far. It has been supremely neat and tidy during this time. Coupled with the fact that it has rained almost constantly in that time, making the pool be less than sparkly and perfect. This creates work for KISA as it must be constantly mnitored and tended to keep it inprection ready. Usually we just leave it till the rain clears and then clean it up the once. The constant rain means the grass grows 6 feet a week, meaning it needs mowing every weekend. We have had open houses every weekend. Over. It.The rain stopped briefly one evening and we spotted this out the front window. We have been holed up inside in the air con as the humidityhas been just intolerable, high 90s most of the time. The river flooded a couple of times and washed all this debris onto the beach, causing its closure. Imagine swimming and getting hit on the head with a tree! There have also been many many box jelly fish caught in the nets so aanother reason why the beaches have beeen closed. For the last two weekends we have been working at the unit. The land is not big enough to warrant a lawn, so we have been ripping up the turf and replacing it with river stones. Then we will place our statues etc and potted plants for a low maintainence garden we can leave alone for long stretches.
It was very hard work though.

Once the grass was up we were left with the soil. It is sandy so drains well.

The grass had knitted and put down roots. We should have done it earlier it would have been much easier. Once the stones were laid it looks much neater and will survive all this havy rain.

It all looks kind of dull inthe pictures but riverstone is dirty once it is laid. It rained that night and washed the stones all clean so you can see the different colours in the stone now. We did the front bed too. All up 8 ute loads or 4 cubic metres of river stone. That is 6400 kg of riversrtone or 6.4 tonnes. No wonder we were pooped!

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