Saturday, September 11, 2010

Phils Funeral

Today KISA and I went to Phil's funeral. It started off rainy but fined up, which was a relief. It was held in an incredibly old church in the centre of town and over 600 people attended. They were standing up down the sides and to the back, even outside. Phil's son gave a very moving eulogy, and as far as funerals go, it was a good one. We travelled to the cemetery for the burial then a funeral tea was held at the local posh hotel. It was the biggest funeral and tea I have ever attended. KISA had helped his sister put together a photo montage DVD which was played on a loop at the tea. We hope Phil would have liked it.
The next day we visited his grave. Phil loved soccer. He was an excellent player in his youth and was a Manchester United supporter.
It is a very nice cemetery, lovely views and surrounded by oak, maple, birch and holly trees.

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