Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Another Terrible Weekend

At Terrible Creek. We went for a quickie camp the weekend before last, as Son 19 and his Lady Love were coming to visit. It was beautiful weather and we got the good flat site. The tent went up quickly and easily that way.

Even the loo had a view.

KISA chopped up some wood. There is tons of wood here, so we don't carry it any more. Then the chainsaw can live in the front box of the camper, much tidier. We had the whole place to ourselves.

Apart from this guy, who came to see what we were up to.

Early morning sunshine and getting the fire going for breakfast.

Splitting logs, for the days fire.

While we were chilling out about lunch time, some guys arrived asking if we could help them out of a muddy spot. So the winch got a workout.

The Beast is the hero of the day!

The ground feels solid enough but under that grass it is still pretty soft. This area was underwater a long time during the recent floods.

The guys told us that this time last year this river was dry, just a sandy bed.

Ah well, back to work after all that excitement.

It was a tough weekend as you can see.

Packed up and on the road by lunch time Sunday, great views as we left the property.

I have yet to see a
"No Shooting" sign that didn't have lots of bullet holes in it.

Kind of an institution really!

New recipe posted here..check it out!

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