Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Starting to feel like Christmas

This weekend, we had Jdubya from Narooma visisting. It was not the greatest of weather though and was very very hot, so we were kind of housebound a little. That was fine, we all wanted and enjoyed the downtime.
Since we were indoors, I made some chutney. You know it is nearly Christmas when there is chutney simmering! When I went to Mackay to collect John, I stayed over with D&M. They gave us this crab. It was delicious. KISA and I had it for lunch Saturday. There is something Christmassy about crabs too...

There was some spa time while a storm was on...it is the hot and sultry storm season here. Thank goodness for air conditioning!

We ventured out for a drive to Mt Nutt Lookout and coffee at Flagstaff Hill.

There was eagles and young in residence on the next door mobile tower at Mt Nutt. Mother eagle was keeping an eye on us.

KISA had to work Sunday so Jdubya and I hid out in the air con and had computer lessons. It was even too hot to sit out on the patio!

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