Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my birthday and KISA took me out for lunch. The weather could have been better but at least we didin't get rained on.
We went to Montes Resort at the Northern end of the Whitsundays.They gave us a great table. Everything here is right on the beach.

We started with a bottle of champers. Always goes to my head in the middle of the day, and because KISA was driving, I had to have the lions share. Bummer.

We opted for a selection of entrees as there were plenty that looked good. So for the first round we had stuffed mushrooms and garlic prawns. We had had a munch before I took the photo. There were 6 stuffed mushrooms and 6 prawns. Quite hefty servings for an entree.

So for seconds, KISA had planned on the mini meatballs, but the mushrooms were so good he ordered another plate, and I got the oysters with smoked salmon, creme fraiche and caviar. They were divine, but probably the biggest oysters I have ever had. Could barely fit them in my mouth!

We were getting full, but decided to share a dessert anyway. Glad we did, it was a baked cheesecake with icecream mixed berries and mango cream. It was divine.

We had a great time. Headed back about 3 and crashed. Had soup for tea!

Saw this on the way home..

Son 20 rang from Thailand and we had a good chat. He is having a great time and I am looking forward to seeing the 2000 photos! He gets here in just over a week.

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