Monday, January 26, 2009

Australia Day long weekend

Well today 26th January, is Australia Day here. So we get the day off. Some of our patriotic citizens have a BBQ with friends, like son 17 and some watch the cricket, like my nephew, and some garden and relax, like us!

KISA spent a couple of sessions this weekend cutting the grass, which needs doing weekly at the moment, and got very hot and sweaty doing it. He also trimmed the hedges as thay were taking on triffid proportions. Then caught up on his TV viewing while I created this blog!

It has been raining most of the weekend, and on Satuday we had some big storms. Not a lot of rain on our patch but some of the local areas did well.

We have been eating lots of mangoes this year. People seem to be giving them away left right and centre. And they have been very tasty cut up and served with icecream.

I left a large bowl of them to ripen on the deck, and the fruit bats came in the night and stole 4 of them. Then took one bite out of each and dropped them in the pool and garden. Pesky things.

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