Sunday, January 25, 2009

The very first post.

Welcome to my blog!

I have been an avid reader of other peoples' blogs for some time now, so I thought it was about time I started one of my own. As a tool for communication with far flung family and friends, they are invaluable. Since the KISA and I are about to be empty nesters in a town where very few friends and family still reside, it looked like time for this.

Combined with our Christmas gift to ourselves of a Panasonic Lumix digital camera, and my rusty writing skills that I want to rejuvenate, I hope that I can create something of interest and entertainment along with recipes and ideas and family news.

Our family consists of me, Tropigal, KISA, my Knight in Shining Armour and two sons, one 24 and one 17. We also have a daughter, 26 who passed away last year from cancer. Through her we have a son in law and a step grand daughter.

We live in tropical Australia where it rains a lot, where the garden grows before your very eyes, and for 4 months of the year it is too hot to be outside much. The other 8 months are quite nice.

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