Thursday, May 28, 2009

Recipe blog

I have spent (wasted) a lot of today creating a sister blog for recipes. I figure it would be easier to find them if they were all in one place. About 3 years ago I started a recipe blog so that Jess would have access to old favourites. I have forgotton the passwords to that one so I have copied over the recipes to the new one called Tropigal Cooks. There is a link in the right sidebar.

Although I have entered them will nilly they are each tagged according to their type, so if you are after a chicken recipe for example, on the right hand side click on "chicken main meals" and all the chicken recipes will come up. I hope that the boys and their partners will find this useful one day. There are still about 30 recipes I want to add, and as I find new favourites I will add them as well. Hopefully it will be a useful resource for me as well as family and friends! Cooking is a particular passion of mine, and I love to share recipes. I hope you enjoy it.

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