Saturday, September 5, 2009

Good Morning Sunshine!

On Thursday night, KISA got only two hours sleep, as work rang him at 2am and we had had a "Life on Mars Series 2" fest before bed. He couldn't get back to sleep, so he got up and went to work. I got up too. As a result, we both were sound asleep by 8.30pm last night and then both wide awake at 4.30am this morning after a very good nights sleep each. So we went to the drive through at Maccas, got a coffee and went to the harbour to watch the sunrise. So we thought we would share it with you. Notice how it was brightest just before the sun peeped over the horizon.

Good morning from our little corner of the world.

1 comment:

john said...

What on earth is a SUNRISE?! Didn't know they existed. Lovely pics guys- nice way to start the day! Cheers, J.