Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Escaped at last!

Well after six weeks of staying at home on the weekends to show the house and clean it and because it was raining and rainig, we had had enough and decided to get out of town for the day. So we decided to do a progressive bushwalk.
So we packed a couple of sandwiches and yoghurt and water and headed up to Eungella. The countryside was so green it hurt our eyes!
After checking out the dam, which was very full, even our campsite was under water, we headed back to Broken River and did the rainforest circuit. Only about 45 minute stroll. The river was flowing higher than I remember it for a long time. This is the crossing leading to the walk to the sky window, about a 2 hour walk once you get across the river. Looking upstream

and downstream.

Well the bridge wasn't that far under! But the water was really moving and with the algae it looked slippery.

Last time we were here we went on those rocks in the middle of the river. They are almost under water now.
The understory was cooler and moist.

Nice day for a stroll.
Some of the lovely big old trees in the rainforest.

And a little stream.
We had our lunch in the picnic grounds with one of the locals.
We then headed back down the mountain. It was a crisp clear day, hot, but without the usual humidity haze that hangs around.
Even the roadside waterfalls were running hard, we don't see this very often lately.

We headed off to Cape Hillsborough to do the hill climb to the lookout and then to Andrews Point.
Looking over Wedge Island, you can see the islands very clearly it was so clear.

I chickened out of the longer walk. Saw too many snakes on the way up and was spooked.

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