Sunday, March 21, 2010

We survived the cyclone. The house survived the cyclone. D&M are ok, as are A&P&L. No damage to D&M and A&P&L have a live power line, power pole and heaps of fallen trees on their property. No damage to the house apart from a wet carpet.
But it was a wild ride! I spent most of the night looking out of the windows listening to the wind howl and whistle and feeling the house shake. Frightening and thrilling at the same time. The power lines did so much dancing about it is a wonder the ones in our street stayed connected. Many didn't. We lost power about 11.30 last night and it is still off. The storm is still raging outside in a milder form and the rain is just bucketing down. We have water inside downstairs as happened after the floods. The pool, which had 12 inches of free space after we drained it yesterday, has overflowed, filled with mud and has one fallen palm tree and the top of next doors cow tucker tree in it. There are leaves and debris everywhere. Our pool shed survived as did all our plants minus one palm. Amazing stuff. We have no TV so don't know what is happening out there. Our radio broke when someone dropped it in the dark. We have internet when we need it thanks to the UPS but it is going off after this post to conserve the battery.

The wind and rain started to pick up aroud 4 or 5 yesterday afternoon.
KISA prepared for the cyclone as any IT Geek would...downloading Microsoft MSDN
and listening to music on his media centre. All the deck furniture in the kitchen, dining,

And lounge rooms!
The cyclone hit around 1.40am this morning so no photos due to the dark. This is the deck at first light. Rarely gets wet, this morning there was not an inch of dry spot.

The pool, some work here once we have power and no rain.

Still raining buckets, the ground was sodden before it all started. Next door lost his tent thing, can't believe he didn't dismantle it. Sandbagged front door. Kept most of the driven rain out.

We will check on the unit when it is safe to venture out. They are advising everyone to stay inside as fallen power lines are everywhere. Will post more photos after an excursion.

1 comment:

John W said...

Thanks for the pics & update guys. Glad you got thru relatively unscathed (poor old pool tho!) Was listening to ABC Trop North at 11.30 last night.... would have been roped in to work, if I was there! Hope all remains well in the light of day, and good luck with the clean-up! Cheers, J.