Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to our regularly scheduled programming...

I arrived back in Australia on the 13th October after a looonnnggg trip. It took 6 hours on the bus to Heathrow, 5 hours wait there, then 14 hours flight to Singapore, then 4 hours wait there, then 8 hours flight to Brisbane, then a 5 hour wait there. I was never so glad in my life to hit the shower and recline on the couch. I was fussed and tended by my dear KISA and I slept like a log that night.

It was a quiet week, slowing getting my wonky brain back into Australian time, and it pretty much rained all the time. So although it was quite hot compared to the UK<>
One evening we got this great sunset, and we don't often catch them as we don't have a window facing west, other than the bedroom, and we keep that closed most of the time to keep it cooler. Looking down our street, the electricity poles are such an Australian sight.

Hope you don't get sick of sunsets...
The weekend after I got back, KISA and I decided to go to Eungella for a bushwalk and a picnic. He wanted to drive The Beast over the Diggings Road, and we planned a bushwalk, as I had been doing a lot of walking in England and Wales and wanted to keep the momentum going. So after a drive over the track, which The Beast took in its stride, we parked up and headed off on the Crediton walk. It was a lovely walk though the damage done by the cyclone in March was still evident.

This fallen tree is so big! Thankfully it had been sawn through, but there were plenty others we had to climb over.

The track follows the river, which makes it peaceful. It wa swarm and sunny, although plenty of rain a few days before.

No platypus were spotted, too warm now to see them in the middle of the day. We can always spot them in winter or in the early morning or at dusk. We saw this cormorant sitting on a rock drying himself off though. I am still a fan of things mossy and moist, and this log in the rainforest was no exception.

While in the Lake District with D, I bought some Cotton Trader clothes for KISA from the outlet shop in Ambleside. I am happy to report that the fitted beautifully. He looked so good, I took him out to dinner at the new Indian in town, called Marsala. I am good like that...

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