Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Dinner

I know it is 42 days early, but we had our Christmas get together with my family today. We are unavailable over Christmas, and my sister and her family are tied up most weekends till the day and D&M are away from next weekend till the day as well. So we all got together at Dad's. We cooked a course each and did a Secret Santa draw. Though santa had a senior moment and got it a little muddled, it all worked out in the end.

The table was laid and the best crystal glasses brought out. We had a few drinks, then attacked the presents.

We were very happy with what we got..I got a copy of this. KISA got some superb wine.
Some of us took a lot of trouble with our hair and we all wore our finest clothes.

The wine was good and the company great.

After a few drinks and nibblies, we had a seafood marina soup as a starter with some garlic bread, followed by lamb shank casserole and mashed sweet and regular potato, and a lovely tiramsu for desert with a fruit and cheese platter to finish. It was very yummy. In fact, some of us were quite moved by it..

By the end of the night, the wine was talking, but I don't think Dad really believed it was THAT big!

KISA and I slept over, and after a light breakfast decided to head off early, as we had been having some car issues and wanted to get them sorted. We had a wonderful time.


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