Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve was spent chilling at home, KISA spent time fixing Jdubya's computer so a bit of a busmans holiday for him so far. Santa came by in the rural fire truck, he drives down every street and throws lollies at the kids. Christmas dinner, I slow roasted this baby at 150 degrees C for 5 hours and it was delicious and very tender. Nom Nom...

Cheers..we did a lot of that...guess who forgot the tripod...perched the camera on the back of a chair..
A bit of breakfast, champagne and sunshine overlooking the sea. Hear it rained a little back home...and snowed a little in the island far far away.

A glass of bubbles to start the day off is traditional even if you are "not doing christmas".

The house faces east so it is hard to get a shot that is not straight into the sun if you want to catch the view too at that time of day.

Our pressies...KISA gave me a Kindle and I gave him an iPod. Playing with them took a while...
Merry Christmas to all, we hope it was a lovely day for you too...

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