Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sunday Drive

To Bowen.
It has been raining for weeks. Like since we left for the UK. So in order to get out, we decided to drive to Bowen. It was cloudy again when we left but fined up as we drove north. Bowen is part of the dry tropics. We have driven past the turn heaps of times in the last year, but we have never driven in and I was keen for a look.
Just north of Proserpine, we got a text from KISA's sister in Wales, who was settling herself in front of the fire with a stiff drink after spending the afternoon shovelling snow off the drive and cleaning leaves out of her gutters. That it was -10 degrees outside. KISA just clenched his teeth and kept driving towards this. He misses snow and winter the most I think!
One we arrived in Bowen we went to the top of Flagstaff Hill. It was a bit hazy. This would be an awesome view on a clear day, looking over the island.
There is one hill in Bowen really. There are a couple of water tanks up the top where they have written BOWENWOOD. That is because they filmed the "Australia" movie here.

There is a cafe on Flagstaff Hill, so we had a coffee.
We went to look around. Bowen has a few beaches, but this is the best one. It is Horseshoe Bay, quite a small cove, but with a deep draught, and shade and rocky headlands. A caravan park sits on the shore.
Usual crowd taking in the sun.
KISA is still sporting his muttonchops from the Christmas party. He quite likes them! I do to, they are very 19th Century don't you think??

We have just had over 140ml of rain in the last 24 hours, the gooseponds are flooded and we have water in the garage. It is only the first day of summer today. Sigh.

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