Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Diggings

As from last night KISA started 12 days of 12 hour night shifts while they deal with the "going live" of the new software project he has been working on for the last few months. This is the source of all the recent work stress and the climax as it were of it all. So nearly over, for this leg of the project anyway. There is another one early next year around May. So, as he had to work on his birthday weekend, on his only day off before all this started, we went to The Diggings. Just because KISA loves to drive the track, which is a 4WD track it is safe to drive alone, and because he had swapped land rovers with a guy he works with. He has a defender, so it was like an extended test drive for each of them. Here it is with the latest model KISA. Looking pretty fine eh? (Not the car) Very peaceful spot, there were even some campers. This is the creek crossing. It is the dry season so it was very low, only a foot or two deep. The road had been built up with rocks on the other side, and that is really the only tricky bit of the track. The steepness of the exit angle is the other bit.
The Forestry people had just graded the track, so it was pretty tame. Just as well really since it wasn't our car! We even passsed a young guy in a sedan on the way back.
This is one of the camping spots by the river. As you can see very nice place. No taps or loos though, you need to bring it with you and ship it out. No, I am not going to explain what "it" is!
Same spot looking where the tent goes. We may try this one. My sister and her family have a favourite spot here but the road to it seems to have been closed. Needs further investigation.
A defender in its natural environment.. Shhh...

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