Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of year round up

Because we have been naughty Westnet subscribers and exceeded our download limit for the month, we have been punished by having our internet speed reduced to dial up speed. Which makes it tricky to blog. So here, in the final post for the year, is a mish mash of all the blog posts I would have made this week, had I been able to. Or if I had got up in the middle of the night to do it. Which I didn't!
Just before Christmas, the plantation shutters we ordered for the lounge room (before the unit purchase) were delivered and installed. They look really good and changed the play of light into the room. They give us more privacy and give us control of the breeze flow a little.
This is how they look closed. The room is surprisingly darker when they are closed, and much lighter when they are opened. Jdubya took KISA and Debs in a ride in a BMW convertible. I think they enjoyed it. They drove to ten pin bowling and back. Everyone had a turn in the front! After Christmas, we had a few VERY lazy days, reading, eating leftovers etc. The more enegetic ones played on the Wii. Hula Hoop provided much hilarity. KISA and the divine Miss R had the best techniques. Although this is Son 24 trying his moves. On the Sunday after Christmas, KISA organised a tour of the coal terminal for the young ones. They got to go right to the end of the 3 1/2 kilometre jetty and onto the top of the coal loader. From there they can look into the ships. Debs enjoyed an outing a little off the tourist trail. I think they all enjoyed themselves. It was a beautiful day and just getting out on the jetty would have been spectacular. They all look pretty good in the safety gear don't you think?

After a very hot day, we went to the harbour in the late afternoon on Monday, to have a BBQ and enjoy the sea breezes. A game of footy on the grass, followed by sausages, onions and hot dog rolls, with cold drinks. A few handstands after dark. Debs shows us her style, then Jdubya and Tash shared theirs.
Very early Tuesday morning, KISA and I took Debs up to Eungella to see a platypus. We were lucky as we only saw one, but that one was very active. We arrived just after 6am. After watching this one for about 20 minutes, he decided to head further upstream, so we decided to drive to the dam for a look. There were lots and lots of campers at the dam,and the water level was much lower than when we were there last. The view from the lookout was just as spectacular, though the morning sun was bright! Here we are again at this spot. Debs took this one for us. We headed back for more platypus spotting but not a ripple. They avoid the heat and even by 8am were back in their burrows. So we had breakfast in Finch Hatton and headed home. We will be having a quiet New Years Eve here. KISA is on call and we will be at home. Jdubya is coming by and all the kids are going out. We hope you all have a happy and safe new year. Our punishment with Westnet ends today, so hopefully, in the New Year we will resume our regular posting!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day dawned hot and sunny over here, so we cranked up the air con early. We were eating outside, but needed to keep the seafood cool, not to mention ourselves! After a posh breakfast of smoked salmon and avocado eggs benedict, we hit the presents.
In preparation for the big day, we first had to teach Debs how to peel prawns, so she could keep up. We did this the day before. She learns fast! She didn't mind them either, Yet to love them like us though. It will happen! After the pressies, some group shots. You may see this pictuire on next years cards! I was embarrassed that the only family shot for last year was taken while we were all in track suits! KISA and I enjoy a quiet moment with a Long Island Iced Tea and a Dorothy's Special before lunch. This is a little glimpse of our Australian Christmas Dinner. My Dad went crabbing and hit the jackpot this year. Son 18 declared them the best crabs of his life. Son 24 was in food heaven. They named one of the crabs Harrison. They like to name their crabs! Debs gets acquainted with the claw of a Queensland Mud Crab. She had one of the smaller ones. She had an oyster kilpatrick too. And didn't gag, did she Miss R!! After lunch was a water fight with the pool guns Santa dropped off. Around 4pm, Jdubya and son arrived to continue the party.What a handsome pair! Time flows so fast, I have known this boy since he was in nappies!

Two of my favouritest people in the whole wide world. Another one of my favouritest people in the whole wide world. KISA (a very special favourite of mine) had a play with the night settings on the camera and the tripod once the sun went down and came up with a spectacular set of pictures. Have I mentioned what a clever man he his?

I got up from the lunch table and went to bed around 11.30pm. KISA stayed on for another hour. Son 24's mate Adam rocked up about 11pm. No idea when the kids went to bed. We had a fantastic day. We hope you did too.
A very Merry Christmas to all. We hope you have a joyful relaxed day and a new year that brings Peace in your hearts.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My car is in hospital..

But Son 18 and his mates are not. And for that I am grateful.
Last night we had a storm after a long time with no rain. The roads were greasy and very wet. He aquaplaned going around a roundabout and ended up smashing the front wheel against the kerb. It took the tyre off the rim and dented up the rim. He called the RACQ and us and we went to them. The tow truck came quickly and delivered the car to our home. This morning KISA changed the tyre but when we went to drive it it was obvious that the steering was whacked. So we rang again and they towed it to the garage. Rang the insurance, but as Son 18 is under 25 there will be an $1800 excess. Ouch. What's the bet that's about what the bill we be. Merry Christmas. Sigh.

At our place...

Jdubya arrived on Thursday to stay a while. We have been having the Great Summer Handstand Competition. Debs judged. Tash was declared the winner.

But Jdubya did ok too. Not bad for an old geezer of 48....

On Saturday evening we took Debs to to the marina for a cooling drink. It had been a very hot day.

We walked past all the boats and apartments and restuarants. Took a nice shot of Debs but had to get her to crouch down as I kept chopping off the top of her head in shot!

Looking back along the promenade from our waterside table.

A band was playing nearby and as it got dark all the fairy lights started to twinkle. Some of the boats had fairy lights in the rigging.

The breeze was cooling and we watched a crane lift a car out of the harbour where some idiot had driven it in earlier. Very entertaining!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We have a visitor

On our way to the Big Flash Christmas Bash, we went to the airport to collect Debs, the daughter of my good friend Davina from the Island Far Far Away. Debs is doing a gap year and travelling around Australia. She has already seen more of it than I have in the last 50 years! On Sunday we took her for a little drive to help her get her bearings, to the sea and to the Eimeo pub. It was her 19th birthday on Monday so we took her to Sorbellos for dinner.
Hoping that the craziness of preparing for Christmas and the move will let up soon and we can take her on a decent sight see.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Big Flash Christmas Bash

Saturday night saw us attend the Inagural Christmas Bash for KISA's work. It was held in our local brand new Convention Centre. It was a very impressive affair and we had quite a spectacular time. The organisers did a great job, and I think everyone enjoyed getting frocked up and dancing. The food was lovely and the entertainment was excellent. It was a very late night..