Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of year round up

Because we have been naughty Westnet subscribers and exceeded our download limit for the month, we have been punished by having our internet speed reduced to dial up speed. Which makes it tricky to blog. So here, in the final post for the year, is a mish mash of all the blog posts I would have made this week, had I been able to. Or if I had got up in the middle of the night to do it. Which I didn't!
Just before Christmas, the plantation shutters we ordered for the lounge room (before the unit purchase) were delivered and installed. They look really good and changed the play of light into the room. They give us more privacy and give us control of the breeze flow a little.
This is how they look closed. The room is surprisingly darker when they are closed, and much lighter when they are opened. Jdubya took KISA and Debs in a ride in a BMW convertible. I think they enjoyed it. They drove to ten pin bowling and back. Everyone had a turn in the front! After Christmas, we had a few VERY lazy days, reading, eating leftovers etc. The more enegetic ones played on the Wii. Hula Hoop provided much hilarity. KISA and the divine Miss R had the best techniques. Although this is Son 24 trying his moves. On the Sunday after Christmas, KISA organised a tour of the coal terminal for the young ones. They got to go right to the end of the 3 1/2 kilometre jetty and onto the top of the coal loader. From there they can look into the ships. Debs enjoyed an outing a little off the tourist trail. I think they all enjoyed themselves. It was a beautiful day and just getting out on the jetty would have been spectacular. They all look pretty good in the safety gear don't you think?

After a very hot day, we went to the harbour in the late afternoon on Monday, to have a BBQ and enjoy the sea breezes. A game of footy on the grass, followed by sausages, onions and hot dog rolls, with cold drinks. A few handstands after dark. Debs shows us her style, then Jdubya and Tash shared theirs.
Very early Tuesday morning, KISA and I took Debs up to Eungella to see a platypus. We were lucky as we only saw one, but that one was very active. We arrived just after 6am. After watching this one for about 20 minutes, he decided to head further upstream, so we decided to drive to the dam for a look. There were lots and lots of campers at the dam,and the water level was much lower than when we were there last. The view from the lookout was just as spectacular, though the morning sun was bright! Here we are again at this spot. Debs took this one for us. We headed back for more platypus spotting but not a ripple. They avoid the heat and even by 8am were back in their burrows. So we had breakfast in Finch Hatton and headed home. We will be having a quiet New Years Eve here. KISA is on call and we will be at home. Jdubya is coming by and all the kids are going out. We hope you all have a happy and safe new year. Our punishment with Westnet ends today, so hopefully, in the New Year we will resume our regular posting!

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