Monday, December 7, 2009

Starting to look like Christmas..

We had a bit of a Christmassy weekend here. KISA and I did some Christmas shopping on Saturday morning. We are mostly done now, only two left to get, though these days the list isn't that long anymore. It is starting to get frantic at the shops now. Spent the afternoon cooking and wrapping up gifts.
As A&P and Godzilla are going to India for Christmas, we had our get together for that side of the family on Saturday night at D&M's place. Took the camera, took no pictures.
We all brought a course to share and ended with about 6 courses counting cheese. We started with dips and crackers, a smoked salmon and prawn avocado salsa dish, garlic and calamari stir fried, gnocchi with sundried tomato pesto and spinach, and a Tamil Chicken and rice, followed by plum pudding and custard, fruit and cheese - phew!- which was all delicious. It was a great evening and we stayed over. We do a Secret Santa, which of course is no secret at all and everyone seemed to enjoy their gifts.
After an early breakfast we headed home as KISA was expecting work to call - which they did - lots- till I ripped off my thumb nail mowing the lawn. Now I know why fingernail removal is such a popular method of torture.
After I recovered from that, with lots of water, a big band aid, lots of sympathy and a long rest, we fixed some of the issues with the pool for the pool inspector,( long story) and finished off the yard.
Then it was time for the tree raising! This may be the last year with the big tree, it will be looking for a new home in the new year. Come the evening, it looks like Christmas though. We put the littler fibre optic tree up on the deck.
And swapped out the harsh LED deck lights for softer incandescent ones. We are nearly ready, and apart from the food shopping, can mostly stay away from the lunacy that is December in the shopping centres!

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