Monday, December 21, 2009

At our place...

Jdubya arrived on Thursday to stay a while. We have been having the Great Summer Handstand Competition. Debs judged. Tash was declared the winner.

But Jdubya did ok too. Not bad for an old geezer of 48....

On Saturday evening we took Debs to to the marina for a cooling drink. It had been a very hot day.

We walked past all the boats and apartments and restuarants. Took a nice shot of Debs but had to get her to crouch down as I kept chopping off the top of her head in shot!

Looking back along the promenade from our waterside table.

A band was playing nearby and as it got dark all the fairy lights started to twinkle. Some of the boats had fairy lights in the rigging.

The breeze was cooling and we watched a crane lift a car out of the harbour where some idiot had driven it in earlier. Very entertaining!

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