Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Australia Day

I just realised that yesterday was one year since I started this blog! So Happy Bloggavesary to me!
Of course today is Australia Day, so it is pouring rain due to a cyclone disassembling to the north of us. We didn't make it to the public celebrations, but invited A&P&Godzilla around for a BBQdinner. We had the special burgers. And Debs learned how to make Anzac biscuits.
So we didn't start running around the house with axes, we went for a drive in the rain. Lots of people were being patriotic with flags etc. Especially these guys.
Ahh, gotta love going to the beach in sunny Queensland...

" If I have to spend one more day shut up in the house with two women watching chick flicks....how far is that down to there do you reckon???"

The rain let up enough so we could use the deck without getting wet.
Good company.

Good cooks.

Quintesentially A!

Quintesentially P! Prizes will be awarded for the best thought bubble for Godzilla.
Pavlova and Anzac biscuits for pud...

Happy Australia Day everyone!

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