Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tasmania Trip Day Eight

Today we flew home. But first we had to drive four and a half hours from Cradle Mountain to Hobart. I Know. Bad planning. Not helped by muscles so sore from the mega bushwalk yesterday that I could hardly move. And sunburn - times two.
We started early. It was a beautiful day however and a warm one. So it was doable. Wouldn't try that in winter though.
We stopped for breakfast at a truck stop near Campbell Town. Great coffee.
Once we got to Ross (see above) however, we had to go and see if they still did those amazing scallop pies. They did. More breakfast! Yummo.
Didn't need lunch! We arrived at Hobart airport, fuelled up, dropped the car off and went to the departure lounge to wait.
No real glitches flying home and arrived back here at 5pm. Son 18 picked us up and Debs had cooked a lasagne for tea. the house was still standing, in fact was tidier than when we left!
Now to just deal with the flat, "just come back from holiday" feeling.
And try not to think of the gazillion things we need to do in a few cdays to get ready to sell the house.

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