Monday, September 26, 2011

Platypus at Eungella

Before Adam left, we took he and Anna to Eungella to see some platypus. It is one if not the best spot in Australia to see this strange creature. KISA reckons God was smoking something strange when he put this one together! Most of the regulars will recognise this view. We were booked to go on a Rainforest Walk. I think the guide had been smoking something strange too and got his days mixed up, as I would have sworn he took us on the bird watching tour! Not quite so rivetting for backpackers!

Our cabin was cosy as usual. We stayed in Number one as usual.

Some people thought it was cold. It was cool, but it has been colder up here!

Next day we drove to the dam to check out our old camping spot.

It was occupied and the dead tree had succumbed to gravity.

We went up to the lookout as well. We brought Debs up here too.

In the afternoon, Anna and I went for a walk through the rainforest.

Of course we should not forget the platypus. We headed off to the platypus Pool first, by the tree being slowly murdered by the Strangler Fig.

There was not much happening there, so we went to the old swimming hole, and saw about 4 platypus, quite close to the bank where we were standing. They move fast which is why the shots are mostly blurry, they are hard to catch.

We went on a short bush walk to the divided tree, on the last day.

This charming looking plant is called "Stay a While" that is because if it snags you you stay a while, to disentangle yourself!

This is the divided tree. It too succumbed to a Strangler Fig, though I think there is not much tree left now.

We went for a drive down the hill to Finch Hatton Gorge, and took a walk to Arulen Falls.

Adam decided to swim to the water fall, even though the water was freezing!

It was a quick swim, he achieved his goal and didn't linger!

Looks sunny and nice, but he was shivering pretty violently when he got out!

It is a pretty spot and very popular in summer. We had the place to ourselves in winter though!

On his way out of Bowen a last shot with the car. His next stop is a cruise for a couple of days in the Whitsundays, then Brisbane to catch some friends. Been lovely having you Adam, enjoy the rest of your time in Oz!

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