Sunday, February 22, 2009

We have an empty nest.

Well after 25 years it has finally happened. The last little bird has left the nest. Actually he has only gone to live in another nest, but it feels like it at this end. He flew down on 14th February to settle in at TBS's place, before starting O Week at QUT last Monday. I think he had mixed feelings about all the changes, I know I did. It has felt really strange this week, but KISA and I have settled easily into just the two of us.

There was no sitting about though. I was offered a few weeks work on KISA'a project at work testing software, so this week have worked nearly 45 hours. I did Monday and Tuesday at my regular job, then the rest of the week at KISA's work. On those days we are out of the house before 7am and rarely home before 6pm. Very long days. We ate out twice as I was too exhausted to cook! This week I will be more organised now I know what I am in for!

On Monday, I featured in the local paper on the front page. It was the publicity for my shave for a cure. The story was well written and we were very happy with it. You can read it here.I think it went in too soon after the bushfire news though, as there has not been much response from the public. I guess they were all donated out after giving so incredibly generously to the poor people near Melbourne. Although I have now raised nearly $3000 most of that has come from mine, KISA's and Jess's contacts. There is still three weeks till the shave though and I think more will come in then. I am being shaved at an event at KISA's work, and the paper wants to cover the shave as well.

On Tuesday we had masses of rain from this rainstorm. So much in fact we got water in downstairs. Nearly two inches of it that had to be swept out and mopped up. Just what you feel like doing after 8 hours standing up at work. This photo was actually taken in daylight about 5.30 pm. That is the colour of the cloud.

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