Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wet Weekend

It has been pouring all weekend here. A tropical cyclone has formed north of Townsville and we have had gale force winds and very very heavy rain all weekend. And it is getting worse. We haven't even been able to go out onto the deck without getting soaked! So we have been pottering about inside cleaning out cupboards and tidying up. Oh, and swearing at blogger. (Not me, honestly!)

This little guy is riding the good ship Cow Tucker Leaf. There are even waves in the pool. He was only an inch long Must have been daunting.

The really good thing about rain is the temperature drops and we feel like comfort food, so I made good old spag bol. It was yummy. Always popular with the boys.

While I have been updating this blog over the last two hours we have had at least 2 inches of rain. So, the pool overflowed, and the KISA bravely donned his wet weather gear and went out to drain the pool, or it starts to flow into the neighbours garage,the nice ones. Neighbours that is. Yes I know the picture is sideways but I can't figure out how to delete just one picture without deleting the whole post. See above about swearing..

That is what KISAs do in this day and age. Go out in cyclonic conditions and drain the pool. Insist he doesn't need me to get wet and help him. So I am warm and dry instead. I love that man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. Awesome job Julie! Much better (I feel) than bible, I'm afraid! Puts mine to shame tho... if I can inspire myself to get back into it. Keep up the excellent work, and I'll look forward to reading on. Cheers! JW