Monday, March 30, 2009

Busy Weekend

It was quite a busy weekend here at Tropigal Outlook. The local Home and Leisure show was on so KISA and went along and bought one of these. We have have been reading and dreaming about one of these for years and the time had come. So armed with finance and lots of questions we went off to touch and play with the options on offer. Quite a few dealers had travelled up for the show, so there were quite a few to look at. We feel we got a lot of good features for our money, so are now quite excited about getting it and taking it somewhere for a play. Watch this space!
On Thursday, Dad had caught some crabs and dropped one off for us to eat. It was a small one, but with lots of meat so I spent a half hour (without nibbling) removing all the meat, and got nearly 2 cups. I made it up into a crab and camembert quiche, for a change. And we had some leftover camembert. It was very yummy! And that little crab did us 2 very generous meals.
On Sunday, KISa and I cleaned out the shed, to make room for The Windsor. We worked hard and decided to reward ourselves by going for an afternoon stroll around Andrews Point. So we packed up a picnic of leftover quiche and salad and set out. The weather was glorious. Natures artistry. You will probably need to click on this to see a larger image. The first 500m are the hardest on this walk. But the view is well worth it. We always holidayed here as kids, and KISA and I came up here on our second date, so it's kind of special.
Have lots of photos of this view but have to have more!
I have to wear a hat these days as I have no hair. Sunburnt scalps are not fun.

At the top of the ridge at Andrews point, looking back to Mt Jules and Mt Blackwood.

At Andrews Point Lookout. It was so windy that I couldn't hold the camera still enough for a clear shot. This is the only one that turned out. This man refuses to look at the camera.

Heading down the hill, there is this window in the trees.

While we waited for the tide to go out just a bit more so we could get back by the beach we went out to Wedge Island. It has been many years since I have done this and a first for KISA.

On the way back to the car. Being a Sunday, the beach was very crowded.
We said HI to a couple of the locals during a walk through the camp grounds.

We felt really good after all our activities. It certainly was a busy weekend. We had a light dinner of chops and veges. This is another one for Son 17.
It was very tasty too. Actually it is a rib roast....and we shared it....just browning it off before popping in the oven...was very tasty too..

Monday, March 23, 2009

Remembering Jessica Anne

Today KISA and I tok the day off work to remember. We decided to do things Jess loved to do, so we went to a couple of spots she liked. We took prawns to the Lamberts Beach lookout.

Then we went to the breakwater at the harbour to sit a while.The Joneses sent this lovely peace lilly that will thrive in the back garden. Thank you.And Amy sent this lovely bunch of flowers, with lots of gerberas. Of course! Thank you sweetie.For the 27th on Jess's birthday, we had a barbeque. Pooh sat in for the birthday girl.

One year ago today. Missed you as much today as we have on the 365 previous days. We love you, Mama and KISA xxx

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Elections and gardening.

It has been a quiet weekend. Arrived back from Melbourne at 9am Monday morning, and staright to work. KISA picked me up at 5 and finally got home. I was a little short on sleep after the weeekend, and it was Thursday before i began feeling human again!

Went to another shave event on FRiday morning, as another school friend, whose staff were holding a shave event, had told her staff that if they braised $20000, she would shave too. So they did! And she did! And she looks great. Thank you P! After the shave the Leukemia Foundation Mackay person and I went for coffee. Looks like I have me some work in the line of promotion of The LF. I am very excited about this as it is a cause close to my heart, and it enables me to use some the skills I earned in by Bachelors degree as I have a major in Communication and media. It is unpaid, but that is the way to experience. Who knows where things lead.

Yesterday was election day for the state government. We got up early and toddled off to Maccas for breakfast then to the polling booth. We returned our existing government, which is the only sensible thing in these unsettled times. Also, a history making election with the first woman elected premier. Yay Queensland!

KISA and I spent Saturday morning checking out a camper trailer and rethinking our plans for the future. Goalposts change contstantly and we need to keep up. More news as things unfold.

Sunday dawned fine so it was into the garden. I mowed the lawn while KISA attended to the pool. We then went up the hill to visist with A and P. It had been Ps birthday on St. Patricks day and we had a card and wine. We arrived with coffees and a thickshake for L. We had a great visit.

Been to Melbourne and back!

On 13th March, I flew to Melbourne for a friends 50th birthday. It is going to be one of those years as this is the year my cohort turns 50. KISA elected not to go which is a shame, as it was a fabulous weekend. . He caught up on some work and watched highly unsuitable DVDs without his lady wife giving him "looks" over the tops of her glasses. I suspect he had a lovely weekend too. I also suspect there was pizza and beer involved. Hmmm..
I landed in Melbourne city central about 2.30pm and went to visit the workplace of an old mate P who works in a travel agency. We had a quick catch up and I hung out in a bookshop till he finished work, so I could catch the tram home with him. As PJ were mine hosts for the weekend. We got home about 6, just in time for drinks in the coutyard, which P's partner J had looking just beautiful. The light was perfect so I took a few shots. J said the recent hot weather had taken its toll, and the strict water restrictions don't help either. I thought it looked beautiful.

All tended with greywater and love.
Isn't the light lovely? This is looking back towards the kitchen

Good friends, good wine, Friday night, and a great weekend ahead. Doesn't get any better than this.

Another shot looking back to the house. The light was going now. Must be time to get ready to walk the two blocks to the little Italian restuarant they took me to. It is cheaper to eat in Melbourne than here! It was a BYO too, so we took a couple of bottles of the good stuff. Great night, late night too!

PJ's house is something special. It is an old terrace from a long time ago, 1800's at least, which for Australia is VERY old! This shot was taken in the dining room, which in its original time was the kitchen. The old wood stove is still there. All shined up and looks like all it needs is a match! If you open the oven though, you will find the phone books..

This is the lounge room.The fireplace has the most beautiful tiles in front of it. And chesterfield sofas. It all looks very museumy but is a very warm, cosy, homely, welcoming place. I love it.

PJ have just done up their kitchen. It looks really good especially that red glass splashback. Jess would have loved that.

The hallway towards the front of the house. It is kind of a long skinny house, very different to a tropical house. It is very close to the city which loosely translates to it is worth a lot of money! I think it is worthy of a magazine shoot. PJ are incredible housekeepers, I felt ashamed of my housekeeping while I was there.

This is the bedroom I stayed in. It was very pretty and the bed was comfy too.

This is the front of the house, it has lots of character. The front windows are stained glass.

And this is the best part of the house. When KISA saw this house for the first time, he loved it before he even went inside! P is a Yorkshire boy.

On Saturday morning, P took me to the South Melbourne markets. It was fabulous, the food for sale was wonderful, and much better quality and cheaper than at home. Living in regional Australia sucks sometimes. We had lunch at this paella place. It was SUPERB!

Of couse we had to have it with Sangria. It had started raining about an hour previously and gotten quite cool so it was nice and warming eating paella and sangria. It was the first decent rain in Melbourne for months, so everyone on the street was happy and laughing and getting wet with much joy. It was a happy atmosphere. The surrounding gardens just drank it in.

These steaks were two inches thick. Just look at them! This one is for son 17 if he is reading this. These made me think of you..

PJ's furkid, Jesse. He was all tuckered out after the outing J took him on while we went to the markets.

Saturday evening was The Magsters 50th Birthday Occasion Dinner. It was held in the mayors room at the Hawthorn Town Hall. The Magster has some serious connections. It was a great night, with a full three course meal and wine. Thank you dear friend and I hope you have a wonderful year. This was the only shot with the knife that was fit to print.

Three girls of 9A1E1. Who would have thought back then we would ever be going to each others 50ths! After a great night we all went home to crash lateish. We all met up again for brunch the next day in the botanical gardens. I forgot to take my camera. PJ and I hung out afterwards in the gardens, and went to the shrine of remembrance where we caught the monthly service, It was a very moving thing and a magnificent building if you are ever in Melbourne.

P was cooking up a storm for dinner. This apple pie was made with home grown apples. Someone kind of stuffed up the pastry (she who can't be named) so J went out for Pampas. The afternoon light in this kitchen is superb. If I ever write my cookbook, I will be doing the photos in PJs kitchen. Note the essential cooks tool on the right.

Salmon in lime and coriander marinade on cous cous with salad with lemon vinagrette, sourdough rolls followed by apple pie. Good food - good wine - great company. Thank you guys for a wonderful weekend.

P and I started our first job together at 17 in 1977. Our group of "bank Johnnys" had some wild times. I, of course, am too mature to divulge any dirt on P on this blog. That and the fact that P has more dirt on me than I have on him!

Yesterday was P's 50th birthday. Hope you had a great time at the greek restuarant. Love you guys!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I was brave and shaved!

Well the big day arrived. Time for my Shave for a Cure. To honour Jess and raise money for the Leukemia Foundation. So this is what I looked like last Sunday after no hairdressers for 3 years.

I don't think it has been this long since high school. And it is HOT! Like wearing a fur coat all the time! Take it OFF! So my sister A, and Jdubya's son M and I went out to the terminal for the big Shave Event. M went third out of four shavers. He tried a mohawk for starters.

Looked pretty edgy..

Then he tried this "popular with the 3 year olds" style

Then he just went all the way!

Me next..cut off the pony tail to give to the wig makers. Julie from the Leukemia Foundation said they find it hard to get hair that is at least 7cm long and natural, with no colouring in it, just like mine.

Then out came the clippers. They tickled..

There is a really good reason they don't let you near a mirror till it is all done!

Pooh opted out. He is such a chicken.

KISA, me and M post shave. KISA has the longest hair today.

Not for long though. As soon as he gets home the clippers arecoming out!

These are all the brave ones at todays shave. Lots of people came to eat the "free" BBQ. They had to donate for lunch so will be keen to see how much they raised.

Pooh had a good day out and wore my ponytail home. The flowers are from the Leukemia Foundation for being such a media tart. The press were there too so shall post the link to the newspaper tomorrow.

I got a cap, a bandana, and a certificate as well. Went off to the bank afterwards and banked my donations so far. All up I have raised $15 short of $5000. My goal was $5000 so I am thrilled with that. People are incredibly generous. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So when KISA came home, I gave him a clip too, and he did something he hasn't done for 10 years. He completely shaved off the beard and mo. So this is us today. I should be arrested, he looks too young!!