Thursday, March 12, 2009

I was brave and shaved!

Well the big day arrived. Time for my Shave for a Cure. To honour Jess and raise money for the Leukemia Foundation. So this is what I looked like last Sunday after no hairdressers for 3 years.

I don't think it has been this long since high school. And it is HOT! Like wearing a fur coat all the time! Take it OFF! So my sister A, and Jdubya's son M and I went out to the terminal for the big Shave Event. M went third out of four shavers. He tried a mohawk for starters.

Looked pretty edgy..

Then he tried this "popular with the 3 year olds" style

Then he just went all the way!

Me next..cut off the pony tail to give to the wig makers. Julie from the Leukemia Foundation said they find it hard to get hair that is at least 7cm long and natural, with no colouring in it, just like mine.

Then out came the clippers. They tickled..

There is a really good reason they don't let you near a mirror till it is all done!

Pooh opted out. He is such a chicken.

KISA, me and M post shave. KISA has the longest hair today.

Not for long though. As soon as he gets home the clippers arecoming out!

These are all the brave ones at todays shave. Lots of people came to eat the "free" BBQ. They had to donate for lunch so will be keen to see how much they raised.

Pooh had a good day out and wore my ponytail home. The flowers are from the Leukemia Foundation for being such a media tart. The press were there too so shall post the link to the newspaper tomorrow.

I got a cap, a bandana, and a certificate as well. Went off to the bank afterwards and banked my donations so far. All up I have raised $15 short of $5000. My goal was $5000 so I am thrilled with that. People are incredibly generous. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So when KISA came home, I gave him a clip too, and he did something he hasn't done for 10 years. He completely shaved off the beard and mo. So this is us today. I should be arrested, he looks too young!!


Anonymous said...

What a star. you look fantastic for the cause. Well done for raising so much cash and awareness. kisa looks so different, brings back memories xBsis

Anonymous said...

Awesome work guys! Love the 'smooth' look Dave- they'll ask u for id at the nightclubs! Well done to all, and pleased Marc was able to join u, & represent the fam! You compose the site really well- looks great! Cheers, J.