Sunday, March 8, 2009

Safe and sound - back to your regularly scheduled programming

Now that Hamish is bullying Yeppoon and Bundaberg instead, it is time to post some pics for this week. Dad went prawning this week, so dropped us in a little bundle of prawns. I made rissotto as there were not a lot, and made the stock from the shells. It was superb.
On Friday morning, I had morning tea with two old friends from the hedonistic days of the Commonwealth Bank employment (late 1970's). Catriona lives in Tasmania now and was visiting for her dad's 80th. Rhea and I are now responsible women. I think Catriona is too...we had a great time catching up, the time sure flew. The weekend started with bubbles on the deck and this fabulous sunset. It should have quit while it was ahead!

Why does this man look so sad???
Because we had 3 inches of rain in 3 hours on Saturday, and his sparkly pool from last weekend overflowed and filled with dirt..AGAIN!
It is raining hard and very windy, but it is hard to capture in a still picture.

This was taken this afternoon. This is what a cyclone looks like from 150 km away. It is directly offshore but it is not really excessively windy

The breakwater at the harbour was closed, as the waves were crashing over the top.This was low tide as well.
Looking south. There were a few intrepid surfers and two kite surfers out. We watched them for a while.

Spent the weekend mostly inside, which is what you are supposed to do in a cyclone. I was reasonably scared last night when Hamish was a category 5 and headed straight for us. So kind of relieved that he has stayed at sea, though it was a bit of an anti climax after you do all the preparations. However ,really, lots of people don't bother to prepare and they are the ones whose stuff flies into your walls and windows and smashes up your house, so even though we had cleared up our yard did not mean we would have been ok. So all in all a lucky far. Cyclones can do a 180 turn very easily as well so we are keeping an eye on him.

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