Monday, March 30, 2009

Busy Weekend

It was quite a busy weekend here at Tropigal Outlook. The local Home and Leisure show was on so KISA and went along and bought one of these. We have have been reading and dreaming about one of these for years and the time had come. So armed with finance and lots of questions we went off to touch and play with the options on offer. Quite a few dealers had travelled up for the show, so there were quite a few to look at. We feel we got a lot of good features for our money, so are now quite excited about getting it and taking it somewhere for a play. Watch this space!
On Thursday, Dad had caught some crabs and dropped one off for us to eat. It was a small one, but with lots of meat so I spent a half hour (without nibbling) removing all the meat, and got nearly 2 cups. I made it up into a crab and camembert quiche, for a change. And we had some leftover camembert. It was very yummy! And that little crab did us 2 very generous meals.
On Sunday, KISa and I cleaned out the shed, to make room for The Windsor. We worked hard and decided to reward ourselves by going for an afternoon stroll around Andrews Point. So we packed up a picnic of leftover quiche and salad and set out. The weather was glorious. Natures artistry. You will probably need to click on this to see a larger image. The first 500m are the hardest on this walk. But the view is well worth it. We always holidayed here as kids, and KISA and I came up here on our second date, so it's kind of special.
Have lots of photos of this view but have to have more!
I have to wear a hat these days as I have no hair. Sunburnt scalps are not fun.

At the top of the ridge at Andrews point, looking back to Mt Jules and Mt Blackwood.

At Andrews Point Lookout. It was so windy that I couldn't hold the camera still enough for a clear shot. This is the only one that turned out. This man refuses to look at the camera.

Heading down the hill, there is this window in the trees.

While we waited for the tide to go out just a bit more so we could get back by the beach we went out to Wedge Island. It has been many years since I have done this and a first for KISA.

On the way back to the car. Being a Sunday, the beach was very crowded.
We said HI to a couple of the locals during a walk through the camp grounds.

We felt really good after all our activities. It certainly was a busy weekend. We had a light dinner of chops and veges. This is another one for Son 17.
It was very tasty too. Actually it is a rib roast....and we shared it....just browning it off before popping in the oven...was very tasty too..

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