Thursday, April 23, 2009

Busy busy busy!

KISA is home from work this week. He had a little op on Tuesday afternoon and is quietly recovering at home. It was just keyhole surgery to mend a long ignored and nasty hiatus hernia and he is recovering nicely. The surgeon said it was a "bitch to fix" but it is all good now and 90per cent of his chronic heartburn should become a memory soon. He was in for less than 24hrs, and came home wearing his sexy white stockings. So I am just puttering about at home while he watches DVDs.
We had a busy weekend. We were going to go camping, but a late Friday afternoon doctors visit and a long list of things to do put paid to that so after mowing the lawn, we cleaned out the downstairs and rearranged things a bit. It looks much better. It is one of those areas that is a dumping ground for stuff that doesn't have a home. Every home has one of those! So a lot went to the tip, a lot went to Vinnies and the rest was cleaned and organised.
Around morning tea TT arrived to visit in their way down south. T and I met in hospital at the birth of Jess and her daughter. We shared a room, and all of our early motherhood experiences. Since we moved away from Canberra we have rarely seen each other but our friendship endures despite the different directions our lives took. I cooked a banana cake for them and we had a great time catching up and our partners got to know each other a little. Then they were on their way as they had a long way to go yet.
Later that afternoon, we put up the camper again to try to perfect our set up routine. It went much better, though the tent appartus still has issues. While it was up, we put all the camping gear in the camper and it fitted very nicely with room to spare. Then we put it down again, and hooked it to the car as it was going to Battery Pro for its electrical set up on the Monday.
Son 17 was heading back to Brisbane after his Easter break on Monday morning, so it was an early start to get him to the airport. He had a great time catching up with his mates here and he and I had a couple of days together as well, which was special to me.
On Monday afternoon, we picked up the camper and it now it has a battery, a mains power hookup to recharge same, and a couple of 12v and 240v points, an inverter doodad, and it is all pretty smick! They did a fabulous job and it is very neat.
The weather is perfect and we are impatient to take it out for real. Not this weekend but maybe next weekend if KISA is up to the lifting by then. Be worth the wait!!

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