Sunday, April 12, 2009

Camping in the backyard

This post is a week late, many apologies. So last weekend, we set up the camper trailer in the backyard. You need to practice away from the public gaze lest you be the entertainment of the campground. And thank goodness we did.It took quite a while to get to this point. We even had to get the guy from the shop we bought it from to come out and he couldn't get it up easily either, so we felt vindicated. There is something wrong with the tent and the instructions are hopeless. It shouldn't take more than three minutes to get the main part up and another 10 to get the annex up. We were going to put it up again this weekend, Easter, but it has poured and poured for days now, so it is still in the shed. We deserved this bottle of bubbles we had afterwards. It was a hot, humid day and the mozzies were feasting, so we went inside. This is how is looks from the front (or back) depending on your perspective. We had to hose it down to waterproof it that is why it is all shut up.
It is a roomy tent and we are looking forward to its first excursion away from home, maybe next weekend.
While the tent was drying out we went to have morning tea with P and N at their lovely home. N has just retired - sort of- and had been very busy extending their deck, where we had cake and savoury nibblies and coffee. They have a lovely garden. Isn't this orchid gorgeous? P has lots of orchids.We had a lovely relaxing time. We are blessed to have such caring people in our lives.

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