My KISA is an all or nothing kind of guy. When he does something he is committed, totally and whole heartedly. Or he doesn't do it. No middle ground, no shades of grey. Which is a good thing most of the time. Things can stay undone for a long time, but when they are done they are done very well, with all his heart and soul.
KISA gives everything at work. He puts his head down and gets on with it. He stays there for hours more than his 8 hours sometimes and comes home exhausted, wrung out and spent. Good for work, bad for KISA.
KISA didn't get married till late in his life. He takes being married very seriously and gives it his very best. He is a devoted, loving, kind and fabulous husband. He thinks of me first above all things, even work! KISA is an all or nothing guy, which makes me a very lucky girl.
Recently we bought a camper trailer. The research that went into that purchase was staggering. The research that went into the electrics we are fitting to it has also been deep. The enthusiasm is huge! Once he makes up his mind to move it all happens! So different to me, but if it was up to me we would still be dreaming about it! Now, after the initial shock of spending all that money, (If KISA had a blog, he would have written a post about my abhorrence to spending money) I am catching on to the potential fun we will have and it is exciting.
KISA fixes other peoples computers. He fixes ours too, so he spent the entire Easter weekend fixing computer problems. One of which was ours. He won't stop until he feels it is as good as he can get it. He goes over and above. He gets cross with said computers a lot too, though no bad words, just curses. Lucky it rained all weekend and there are only so many videos you can watch!
Lately KISA decided that he was fed up with his extra avoirdupois. Again he takes the all or nothing approach. So we see a dietician, he does EXACTLY as he is told, gives up drinking ALTOGETHER , and drops 7kg in a couple of weeks. Just like that. Out comes the drill for new holes in the new belt already. Sigh. Since I am such a supportive wife (sort of) I have gone on it with him (sort of, I am so NOT such an all or nothing girl ) I have lost a whole two kilos. I am so proud of him. Wow.
So there is an insight into my KISA. A very special man, my knight in shining armour. Who would have thought my life would turn so much on one mouse click in 1996! I must have done something right somewhere!
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