Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hospital bridge opening day

Today they opened the new hospital bridge. As it is not often one gets a chance to attend a bridge opening, KISA and I popped along for a look see. We waited till after the boring bits were over though. It was hot today, and all that concrete made it hotter! This is a view of the bridge from the south looking north. This is a view of the hospital and the old hospital bridge taken from about a third of the way along the new bridge. They are going to turn the old bridge into a fishing platform by cutting off 2/3 of the southern end.
There were stalls, bouncy castles, displays, coffee vans etc along the length of the new bridge. KISA contemplated buying a used car.
Another view towards the hospital from half way along. The SES were under the bridge in boats. Maybe in case someone decided on a very public suicide???

From the northern edge of the bridge looking south.
Looking westish off the bridge towards the mountains.
While we were standing at the CQ resue display stand the CQ rescue helicopter came in and did a flyover their work collegues. So I got a good shot!
KISA liked the fire truck best. They even offered him a sticker! He queued up with the kids for a chance to sit up there!
Another shot upriver from the northern end of the new bridge. Be a lot nicer without the ugly old rail bridge in shot!

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