Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting Things Done

We had a long weekend last weekend, as KISA had Friday and Monday off. So we used the time doing things that needed doing but we had been putting off. Firstly the door place came to install our new front door we ordered some time ago. We never used the front steps and we wanted to change that. The front stairs has a hand rail all the way to the top, unlike the middle stairs and some our visitors will find that helpful. Now it feels like we have a proper entrance, so we got ourselves a hall stand to drop all our "entering the house stuff" on. That means it doesn't get dropped in the kitchen! The new front door in place, it matches exactly the one over the other stairs. It is a sliding door as an opening door is too difficult to open with full hands at the top of the stairs.
A shot with it opened. We just need to paint the new woodword around it now.

Our next stop was to the accountant to get our tax return done. This is a job we had been putting off for months. Don't know why as we get cash back and it isn't that complicated. Then we took a broken window frame with its glass to get repaired. Now we can open the front window again! Just in time for the summer breezes. We also got the lounge windows measured up for plantation shutters. The curtains won't survive another washing and we don't like curtains, too heavy and dusty for this climate.
Saturday saw us in the garden. KISA dug out three banana trees that were growing into the fence and wrecking it, and we took them to the tip. While he did that I pulled weeds. On the way back from the tip, we loaded up the trailer with the first of three loads of forest mulch to do the garden bed before the summer. The weeds were starting to win.
This is not my favourite job, but it needs doing once a year. And it all looks so good afterwards! Took all day though.

On Sunday KISA mowed the lawn and cleaned the pool, while I helped run a sausage sizzle stand at the Victoria Street Markets for the Leukaemia Foundation. Doesn't it all look so good now.

See how tall Dorothy's tree is now? It is also having babies where the lower branches have rooted into the soil. We will plant those in the space behind the chair facing the tree..

After a good clean up the pool looked inviting! We did lots of swimming this weekend. KISA had a long game with a friend's kids while she and I sewed a costume for her son's school play.

On Monday, we were up very early for a road trip to Townsville, to get the Land Rover serviced. We no longer have a Land Rover dealer in town and the company we lease it from requires it to be serviced by a dealer.
While it was getting serviced, we went to the Reef Aquarium for a visit. We tried our hand at deep sea pearl diving. You don't want to be claustraphobic. That helmet is solid brass and smells like copper.
We especially loved these sea horses.
It was hard to get a good picture as the tanks are lit by the sun and the light varied so much from where we were to the tanks. Looking in the tanks was just the same as being under water, without the sound. I have now seen the reef both ways! Some of the fish even had whiskers!
Some coral..couldn't get an accurate colour depiction thogh
The predator tank was interesting. This is a sword shark, that big bill would be a big nuisance I think!
Me with a whale's vertebra. Gives some idea of the size if it. It was very heavy too!

We even stumbled across Nemo...must be a kind of catfish...
The starfish clean up the tanks. This one was all nobbly and red and black in colour. He was quite big too!

Thnis is a male Leopard shark. You can see his size compared to the diver beside him. He is one of a breeding pair. The female had spots like a leopard. He was dozy and docile as they sleep on the bottom in the day time.

The diver is holding a green sea turtle. This one is only 5 years old. She has lived at the aquarium since she was a hatchling.
We went for lunch at the Cowboys Leagues Club, then back to the dealer before the car was finished about 3pm. We drove home and got in about 7 pm. Just as were passing the Laguna Quays turnoff, the sun was setting. A long day, but another tricky job done.

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