Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! KISA has removed the beard for this Chopper Reid look. So why is KISA channelling Chopper Reid this sunny Halloween day??? So the blood will flow well for this...tonight we went to a 50th birthday, held auspiciously on Halloween..and tomorrow is Movember!
We had a great night. Great food, great company. Happy Birthday Sandy...last seen when we departed in the wee hours belting out a song in front of the karoake machine!

PS. The mo won't be lasting long.....

1 comment:

john said...

Well *?#! me, I guess Dave is growin a %^##*& big moustache for Mo-*#$&*#-vember, ay? That's *&%#@* fantastic! Nice one Chopper! Will be in touch soon guys... luv the pic. Cheers, John. xo