Monday, October 19, 2009

Quiet Weekend

Bit of an uneventful weekend here. Friday night was date night. Where we go out to dinner at home. So we had mushroom soup, Curried scallop pasties with salad, and chocolate mousse with raspberries. With Good bubbles and Oyster bay red. On the good plates, with the sliverware and with the posh glasses. Got a late start as there were some work related disasters which meant KISA didn't get home till nearly 8:30pm. Next day we did some shopping and pottering about at home. We were invited to a dinner party, so I made Aunty Berry's Fresh Prawn Pate for my starter contribution. I haven't made this since the 70s and it was lovely. It made two big bowls so next time I will halve it. Prawns were under $9 a kilo this week so its not such an expensive thing to make. Big hit. We had a great evening, laughed a lot and got in at 1am!
There were a few leaves in the pool as we have been having strong northerly winds this week. So KISA thought he might trim a few palm leaves. He got a bit carried away.
During the process he stuck his hand in a green ants nest, overbalanced and fell in!
After a couple of hours work, it looked like this.
So it was time for the first swim of the summer!

Followed by the rest of the prawn pate and a bottle of bubbles...
Hope you had a nice weekend too..

1 comment:

Julie said...

Some people do it incredibly tough!!!