Sunday, April 17, 2011

Did the Earth Move for You??

Yesterday, was an eventful day. We spent the morning preparing for a visit from my sister and family on their way north on their Easter holidays. They arrived around lunch time and we fed them soup and sandwiches. Forgot to take photos, sorry. It was a lovely day and after lunch we took them for a walk around the estate. They really liked it, especially the quiet and the sea view!
After they headed off, about three, we got the camper out to give it a clean and a good airing. It had been August since we used it last and with the wet we feared it would be all musty. So we hosed it all down and soaped it all up, and hosed it all down again. Then we left it to dry.
During this process, KISA was standing on the lawn and I was heading into the garage, when the door to the garage started an almighty rattling and I thought it was trying to close itself.
At the same time the drainpipe started making a funny noise and I thought it was the wind picking up, and the pipe was moving which was weird. My brain could not figure it out and it stopped. There was also this loud noise like a train or a plane. Maybe 15 seconds or so, hard to remember. I asked KISA if he had set off the door by having the remote in his pocket, and he said "that was an earthquake, I felt it through my feet!" He was in direct contact with the ground.
In 51 years, I have never experienced an earthquake, they are not a regular occurrence here at that magnitude, it was 5.5 or so. It has been 76 years since something similar had happened and the epicentre was 60 klm west of here! Wow!
No damage, nothing broke or was shook off inside, though we were outside when it happened. Just a strange feeling!
We put up the camper and got on with our day, aware we had experienced something unique in our lifetime.
By the way the camper didn't smell musty at all! Looks good now, roll on camping season! These rosellas came to visit. We get different birds here, dry tropics, and lots of grasses.

To say sorry for scaring us, Mother Nature put on a wonderful show while we were having drinkies on the patio that night.

We get some fabulous sunsets here. You will probably have to see most of them. It's my blog, I can if I want to!

Have I mentioned I love sunsets???? Which one do you like best?

KISA relaxing on the patio. See that little table? That was my grandparents'. I think it is VERY old!

Today was ice cream at the beach. We deserved it, we worked hard cleaning out the inside of the camper. And cleaning all the camping gear and repacking the camper then putting it down and away in the garage.

It was 5pm before we got here. Still lots of people but the surf lifesavers were packing up for the day.

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