Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Right Royal Wedding

The Leuekaemia Foundation held a Right Royal Wedding Reception to celebrate and share the Royal Wedding. So KISA and I drove to Mackay after an early finish at Friday lunchtime and checked into the posh hotel at the Marina where the reception was being held. Our room had a lovely view over the sea to the north.
We had a quick catch up with Jdubya who is visiting town and got ourselves ready for a 6pm start.
KISA wore his suit and a top hat.The tables were all set up as a wedding reception with the big screen TVs to watch the wedding.

The King and Queen were the MCs for the night. The hotel had donated beer and sangria and some wine for the occasion. KISA opened and poured this beer. Thought it was a little pale and not fizzy either, so I tasted it. It was water. The waitress said he had been "minibarred" Apparantly, the donated drinks had come from the mini bars after they had been rotated, and some unscrupulous people drink the drinks, refill them with water and recap them! Well I never! I have never heard of that under my rock.

She was lovely wasn't she? I loved that dress and veil. So simple, and they seem to be well suited. Hope the press leave them alone so they can start out like they should.

Here we are in our glad rags. We had a 3 course meal after the wedding ceremony was over and a few raffles as well.

A former member of the Ten Tenors sang a couple of rousing songs. God Save the Queen, Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Brittania, and Jerusalem. We all sang along, very patriotic stuff.

This couple were celebrating their wedding anniversary on the same day so they were guests of honour. They had a lovely time they said. They cut the wedding cake.

The ladies at our table. The very clever and vibrant lady in blue organised the whole thing. Overall the evening raised over $4000 which is pretty good considering the Mayor's Ball was on the same weekend and the big Cancer fundraiser is in May as well.

We drove back the next morning as we were expecting a visit from P&N who were popping up to Bowen for the weekend. It is their 34th Anniversary too!

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