Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Relay For Life

This weekend gone was the annual Relay for Life here in Bowen. It is a fundraiser for cancer research and we entered the Mackay one last year. So jumped at the chance to do it this year, with a team from KISA's new employer. We met up early to set up our tents on the spot. Before we got there we charged up with a Maccas coffe at the beach.Some one was being hopeful, but we only had coffee.

Lovely in the early morning as usual.

Setting up the gazebo in our position. We got a good spot.

Definitely a team buiding exercise!

We got there in the end!

We had hot pink gear, so we could spot our fellow team mates easily. We sure could! Our survivor.

We went in the carers walk this year. It was harder than I expected.

Everyone took part in the first couple of laps. The start of 18 hours.

KISA holding the flag for our team.

They put on an afternoon tea for the survivors and carers.

And so we began to walk, and walk and walk.

The boss got into the spirit of things.

We kept on walking. The highlight for us is the candle lighting ceremony.

Feet began to get sore.And it got colder and colder.Some got some sleep.Some didn't, but we kept on walking.

This fellow walked for most of the 18 hours. we worked out he would have done over 60km.

A great event that raised over $66000. Which is amazing for a small town.

Well done Bowen.

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