Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yesterday was my Dad's 75th birthday. So we all gathered at their home for a pot luck dinner on Friday night, though we served it in courses rather than as a buffet.
D&M provided crab and avacado dip, seafood soup and the hugest oysters you have ever seen! We provided some garlic bread and a course of Peking Duck, a recipe I have always wanted to try. A&P provided a beef and pasta dish topped with pastry. It is a maltese dish and it was lovely. I couldn't finish mine and had it for lunch next day when I was hungry and it was good.
It was a huge success and we all had a lovely time. It has really been way too long since we did this. We all slept over as they live out of town, and had a recovery breakfast the next day. We took the camper to use as a bedroom, and it rained 3 times during the night. So it took a few hours to dry the next morning. So we folded newsletters for M and washed the sheets in the camper and aired the doona.
Saturday was a quiet day, we went to the harbour for a coffee and watched the Young Endeavour sail into the harbour. It was a beautiful day for it as well.
Sunday was spent working at home, KISA mowed the lawn and I cooked up some soups for the weeks lunches. I made Pumpkin Soup For Son 17 and recreated Dad's seafood soup he made for Friday night. I also cooked up some bananas our neighbour grew into a banana cake for KISA to take to work, and some muffins. We were going to visit Jdubya's son in his new home which he has bought for himself at 19. We took the muffins to share. It didn't take long to figure out what to buy him for a housewarming gift, so later that day we bought him a small patio set of a table and 2 chairs for his balcony.
We finished the day sharing a bottle of bubbles on the deck watching the sunset and listening to the parrots squabbling in the palms. They are deafening, but right on 6.00pm they stop. Dead. Like someone turned off a switch!

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