Thursday, June 18, 2009

Instead of going to the Show

Today is Show Day here and as such it is a public holiday. We were supposed to go to Townsville to get a warranty repair on the car, as the Local Land Rover Dealer is no more. However, they phoned lated yesterday afternoon to say they couldn't get the required part. So we had the day at home. KISA spent the morning doing work at home, and I suggested a drive and a picnic. We packed some lunch, got a coffee and headed off for the old road south to Rockhampton. Just because it had been thirty years or so since we had turned right in Sarina! Pretty country, we followed the signs to Middle Creek Dam, which we had never heard of. It was a pretty spot.
How's that for some real estate, see that white house off in the distance? Mountain at the back and lake at the front!

The Sarina Water Ski Club uses this spot, small so only two boats at a time are allowed. It was very peaceful today. This was us today. KISA is growing a beard. I am growing one too - on the top of my head. My hair looks like a toilet brush at the moment, can't do anything with it!

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