Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm A Lumberjack And I'm OK!

I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay
I sleep all night and I work all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavat'ry
On Wednesdays I go shopping
And have buttered scones for tea

I cut down trees, I skip and jump
I love to press wild flow'rs
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars

I cut down trees, I wear high heels
Suspendies and a bra
I wish I'd been a girlie
Just like my dear papa
I have been singing this song for the last 6days. Because KISA has a new toy. We went to Eungella Dam for 5 days and nights this last week and he had a great time keeping us in firewood with his new chainsaw. And axe.
He also made me a new chopping board from a log up there. It is
some sort of red hardwood, probably red gum. It will look really good once it is sanded and oiled. It already works as is though. T
T and T were in town, as they are touring about Queensland in their Jayco Eagle, and joined us up there for a couple of days. They brought Tim Tam and Gemma, who were in doggy heaven. Lots of places to roam, cow and horse poo to sniff and (shudder) eat, and a whole lake to swim in. Every hour or so. Tim Tam is half Shitzu and half bald chinese dog. Luckily for her she got the hairy genes. She is also a nosy parker who has size issues. She doesn't realise she is a tiny girl, so kept getting up close to big animals like this, just for a look see. Gemma is much more sensible. The older one, and a farm dog. A lovely soul. When it all got too much, she just dug a hole by the fire for a nap. Tim Tam wasn't the only nosy creature. Some critters have no boundaries! About a second after this shot was taken, T got quite a start!
It was a busy weekend. Absolutely exhausting really. We cooked over the campfire every night. Also made a loaf of bread in the camp oven. All food experiments turned out well. The food seems to taste better outside!

We were kept entertained by the other campers. The young boys of the neighbouring camp held the Inagural Great Weed War of 2009. This went on for 3 days. We are not sure who won, all of them I guess as they had a fabulous time.
We also had front row seats for the Post Peak Oil Donut Races.

We took Gemma for a walk and she tried to round up this chair some bored camper with a chain saw made out of a tree stump. She growled at it for quite a while.

This is our camp from the side, featuring the new improved bathroom in the foreground.

The sunsets were not as spectacular as the last trip, though we were treated to this one on our last night. On Saturday night we had gale force winds, and we barely slept, expecting to be picked up and flown into the lake at any moment!

We packed up and left this morning, feeling as though we could have stayed another five days. We were out of food though and both have work tomorrow. The weather was shaping up to be beautiful, and the dam peaceful as all the weekend crowd was packing up as well. T
and T
stayed on, lucky sods. One day it will be us.

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