Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hockey Club Reunion

Souths Womens Team 1976
South's Mens Team 1975

On the weekend it was the 50 year reunion of the old hockey club I used to play for in the mid to late 1970s. TBS came up from Brisbane to join in the celebrations, as T is a life member of the club. He has done of lot of work in the late 70s in building up the membership and being a star fullback. I wasn't really a star anything..;-). Since our time the club has grown and prospered.

It was great to see everyone and catch up on old times. It really brought home to me just how many years had passed and I mostly felt quite old. Everyone else looked old to me so I imagine I did to them too! This is a few of the men from that original photo today.
There a few of the original ladies in this group. The weekend consisted of a meet and greet on the Friday night and a cocktail party on the Saturday night with a breakfast the following morning. KISA really didn't want to go to the cocktail party, so put his hand up to sit with Miss S at home and watch Over the Hedge and Ice Age on the Saturday night. I only went to the cocktail party but TBS went to the other things too. The rest of the time we spent with TBS hanging out and relaxing. We did a bit of "tourist in your backyard" by going for a walk along the riverfront on Saturday morning.Who is that skinny bearded guy following us in Wood Street????Here he is again!! He kept following me, so I took him home. That beard kind of grows on you.Here is the beautiful Miss S and Pooh who goes everywhere! Some graffiti which is very good. The girl in this painting reminds me of Son 24's partner, the divine Miss R.
We found these steps that were discovered when they were doing some work on the riverfront. They go back to the late1800s when Mackay was just a bunch of tents on a swampy riverbank.The view of the hill we live on from the river side in town.We had coffee at the new water park, which KISA and I had yet to see, it only having been open for just under a year or so! It would be great if it wasn't blowing a cold south east and some brave kids were swimming there. This is the bit for the little kids near the coffee shop.

A big highlight for me will be catching up tomorrow with an old friend from those days who actually couldn't go to the reunion itself and we are meeting up tomorrow for a coffee. It will have been nearly 30 years since we caught up.

1 comment:

terryd said...

A marvellous time was had by one and all, discovering some old and new things in Mackay.