Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brisbane flood pictures near where we are

Due to the floods in Central Queensland, we came to a halt on our journey home from Narooma in Brisbane. TBS kindly put us up and KISA had to fly home on the Saturday to return to work on the Sunday. Because the airlines were charging $500 a ticket one way that day, I elected to stay in Brisbane till the fares became more sensible. I booked for Friday the 14th January. Lots of other people were in the same boat, it seemed.
I planned a social schedule and had the whole week accounted for. Then on Monday it began to rain very heavily. We all know what happened in Toowoomba and what followed. I don't need to write about it.
Today, once it was safe to do so, we ventured out, early, to have a look around our area.
This is the end of Brisbane Street, Bulimba. The ferry terminal pontoon, which floats, is just to the left, Usually, even on a high tide, that is a downward walk on the pontoon. Here you can see it is going up. Many of these pontoons dislodged and floated down the river. The Brisbane City Cat will be out of action for months, while they fix the infrastructure. This sailing boat, is travelling downriver on the current. There is a guy in it, but he is just steering it around obstacles. Where he is going with that is anyones' guess. Looks dangerous, considering all the debris that was floating by.
This is a pontoon, there were lots of these. Some were from private homes that have river frontage, some had boats still attached, and some were ferry terminal pontoons.

This was at the park behind the Colmslie Hockey Park. You can see a buildup of flood debris.
Just to prove I was there....
Steps to?? I have not been to this spot before so I don't know where the water ususally is. It was very muddy and flowing fast.
This is a boat ramp. The river had gone down a little by this stage. There is to be another peak in a couple of hours from now, as I write this.
Most people are still coming to terms with what has happened, and it has only just begun. The clean up will be very traumatic for all concerned, and even those of us who were ok, are shell shocked by this

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