Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brisbane Floods

I imagine everyone has heard about this devastating event that is unfolding before us all. I am stranded in Brisbane, due to the floods in Rockhampton, so have lived through this. Though mercifully, not directly. We are fine, high and dry and both boys and Divine Miss R are too. KISA flew home last weekend to return to work, so is safe in Newcastle with work.
The above photo was in the news this morning, and out of all the streets in this city, this signpost is of Son 25's street in Fairfield. They live on the high end of the street thankfully, but the water came quite close, within 100 metres.
This post is just to confirm we are ok, and to share the photo. I have some more from Son 24 but they are on my phone and I don't have the cable to transfer it.
I will post about our eventful holiday soon.
Our prayers are with those who are suffering.

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