Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day! We had a quiet day and in the afternoon, put on our glad rags and went to the Australia Day Awards at the MECC as M was getting an award. She won the Volunteer of the Year for all the tireless work she does for the community. Here she is getting the award from our Mayor. Sorry about the quality I only got one shot and it was rubbish. She made a great speech, though I know she hates doing that sort of thing! Don't we all! D and M showing off the award. We came back to ours from some drinks and nibbles to celebrate. We are all very proud of you, Congratulations!

On on a side note, Happy Bloggaversary to me! Today it is 2 years since I started this blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogversary to you! Nice pics of Mum.