Friday, January 7, 2011

Drive home from Narooma

On the 4th January we set off really early about 7am to drive to Coonabarabran. We stopped at Maccas at Batemans Bay for some breakfast and didn't really stop much till we arrived. So these photos of the war memorial and parliament house in Canberra were literally taken as we squealed our tyres around the roundabout. Such is travelling, KISA style.

The restuarant we had been looking forward to returning to in Coonabarbran for the last two years was CLOSED for a private function. We were devastated! We ate at the restuarant at our motel but it was very ho hum. We had an early night and an early start next day.
On the way to Brisbane, we passed through Goondiwindi on our way to Toowoomba. The floods had been through this area and had just gone down. In this shot you can see lots of river grass or hay all over the fences by the road. In some parts there were mounds of it where they had pushed it off the road. The road crews were out patching as well.

Once we arrived in Brisbane, KISA had to let work know we could not get home because the highway was closed by Rockhampton's flood waters.As it was to be at least 10 days till the road opened again, they opted to fly KISA back as he was due to start work on Sunday. The airfares were shocking almost $500 for a one way trip. So I decided to stay with the car. KISA is to fly to Newcastle with work on Tuesday the 11th and is to be away till the 21st. So we decided I would fly home too, once the fares got cheaper and return to drive back with him on the 21st. Hopefully the waters will have gone down by then. We booked me home on Friday 14th, which gives me a week in Brisbane to catch up with friends and family.
So we treated ourselves to a night at Lennons Hotel for old times sake. It was lovely. It rained all the day and night so we just hung out in the room.

I even caught the sunset!

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